Publish date Title Summary Publication type
Inquiry into the 2019–20 Victorian Fire Season - Phase 2 Summary Report A summary of relief and recovery good practice, community reflections, and opportunities for improvement Evaluation, review and investigation report
Lancefield-Cobaw Fire - Interim Progress Report - February 2016 IGEM’s first interim progress report of the implementation of recommendations and commitments following the 2015 Lancefield-Cobaw Fire investigation. Monitoring report
Lancefield-Cobaw Fire - Progress Report - August 2016 IGEM’s third and final report on DELWP’s implementation of recommendations and commitments in response to the Lancefield-Cobaw Fire. Monitoring report
Lancefield-Cobaw Fire - Progress Report - June 2016 IGEM’s second report on DELWP’s implementation of recommendations and commitments in response to the Lancefield-Cobaw Fire. Monitoring report
Monitoring and Assurance Framework for Emergency Management The overarching assurance framework for Victoria's emergency management sector. Corporate / strategic publication
Our First Five Years Our First Five Years introduces the office of the Inspector-General for Emergency Management and highlights a chronology of IGEM's assurance activities since July 2014 Corporate / strategic publication
Practice Statement An overview of IGEM's assurance role and function. Corporate / strategic publication
Progress Report - July 2011 The Progress Report is based on the Bushfires Royal Commission Implementation Monitor’s assessment of the State’s progress in carrying out implementation actions as outlined in the State’s Implementation Plan for each of the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission Final Report recommendations. Monitoring report
Report into the West Footscray Industrial Fire (August 2018) An examination of the broad consequences of an overall incident and improving collaborative response Evaluation, review and investigation report
Review of 10 years of reform in Victoria's emergency management sector A review of emergency management reforms and their effectiveness in supporting safer and more resilient Victorians Evaluation, review and investigation report