Within this section

IGEM conducts performance monitoring to proactively identify better practice, opportunities for improvement, risks and trends.

This function is closely linked with our implementation monitoring in that consideration will be given to the status of planned improvement actions in assessing performance. The observations and evidence we collect through this process also informs IGEM’s Annual Forward Plan of Reviews.

Where IGEM has a monitoring role for specific arrangements as per the Emergency Management Act 2013, we monitor the operation of the arrangements at a system level through:

  • direct observations of relevant committee meetings and their decisions
  • direct observations of relevant sector risk management activities, such as exercises
  • analysis of relevant plans and strategic and policy documents.

Based on the observations and evidence collected, IGEM provides advice to the Minister for Emergency Services. We also foster continuous improvement by preparing reports on areas of better practice and opportunities for enhancement.

Where IGEM has a legislated monitoring function for a specific part of the arrangements, we work collaboratively with relevant organisations and leverage a range of information including the data gathered through existing sector risk and performance information.

IGEM considers real-life incidents that may have had adverse consequences. We then apply a risk-based assessment process to determine if it needs to undertake any form of IGEM-led review or investigation. Or whether it is appropriate for us to monitor and provide assurance of a sector or internal organisational review or investigation.

When undertaking detailed monitoring activities, IGEM works to identify not only the causal factors but also the underlying causes of performance issues. This ensures that any proposed treatments are more likely to be effective in reducing risk.

All our assurance activities are guided by the Assurance Framework for Emergency Management which provides the foundation for a coordinated and collaborative approach to sector-wide assurance.

Current performance monitoring activities


Critical infrastructure resilience

Under the Emergency Management Act IGEM has a role in monitoring, reviewing and assessing critical infrastructure resilience (External link) at a system level.

IGEM conducts ongoing monitoring of the critical infrastructure resilience arrangements through observations of relevant committee meetings, network meetings between government and industry,  exercises and other risk management activities. This is supplemented with analysis of plans and documentation produced under the arrangements.

IGEM's provides the minister with observation on areas of good practice and opportunities for improvement within these arrangements. In the past IGEM assessed the implementation progress of Victoria's new emergency risk management arrangements for critical infrastructure resilience when they came into effect in July 2015.

The observations and evidence collected as part of this monitoring process also informs IGEM’s Annual Forward Plan of Reviews.


Emergency management planning arrangements

Under the Emergency Management Act IGEM has a role in monitoring, reviewing and assessing emergency management planning at a system level.

IGEM conducts ongoing monitoring of the emergency management planning arrangements through observations of relevant planning committee meetings at the state, regional and municipal levels, as well as exercises and other risk management activities. This is supplemented with analysis of plans and documentation produced under the arrangements.

IGEM provides the minister with observations and reports on areas of good practice and opportunities for improvement within these arrangements.

The Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan 2022–25 - Progress Report 2023 incorporates the first Emergency Management Planning Assurance Report.

The observations and evidence collected as part of this monitoring process also informs IGEM’s Annual Forward Plan of Reviews.


Monitoring of Victoria’s triple zero service

Under the Emergency Management Act IGEM has a role to monitor and investigate the performance (excluding financial matters) of Triple Zero Victoria (External link).

IGEM conducts ongoing monitoring through the analysis of data and information provided by Triple Zero Victoria. Tracking of performance data provides insights into positive and negative trends in call-taking and dispatch, and opportunities for improvement.

IGEM also assesses potential adverse events related to Triple Zero Victoria's operations.

These events are reviewed alongside historical data to measure the seriousness of an issue, also enabling tracking of Triple Zero Victoria's operational risks over time. If an issue is deemed serious enough, then IGEM may initiate an investigation. IGEM monitors Triple Zero Victoria's implementation of recommendations made in its investigations to provide assurance that suggested system improvements have been acted upon.

IGEM provides its system-level observations to the minister to highlight significant operational risks and opportunities for improvement to triple zero (000) call-taking and dispatch performance.

Concluded performance monitoring activities 


Monitoring of planned burns which breach control lines

Assurance of breaches of planned burn control lines is now provided by the Office of Bushfire Risk Management (External link) (OBRM) - a part of the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action. 

Related publications

IGEM’s assurance reports on breaches of planned burn control lines covering the period November 2015 to June 2021 are provided below.


Fire services' response time data

On 30 October 2017 the government announced response time data, held by then Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB) and the Country Fire Authority (CFA), will be published every quarter.

As a complementary activity, and to provide government and the community with confidence, IGEM conducted an independent assurance process on the integrity of response time data.  This role was undertaken in accordance with IGEM's legislative assurance functions and in close consultation with the fire services.

On 31 August 2018 IGEM provided government its report on the key risks associated with how fire services’ response time data is created, interpreted and used.  

Read the government's announcement: Fire services response data published for the first time

In December 2020, the Victorian Government appointed the inaugural Fire Services Implementation Monitor (External link).

The Monitor publishes quarterly reports in response to fire services quarterly data and an annual report that focuses on the broader Fire Services Reform agenda being rolled out across the state.