Dr Emily Phillips is Victoria’s Inspector-General for Emergency Management

As Inspector-General, Emily provides assurance to government and the community regarding the emergency management arrangements in Victoria and works to support their continuous improvement.
Emily has extensive senior executive leadership and emergency management experience across government portfolios including water, agriculture, telecommunications and local government.
Her leadership roles include Deputy Secretary and Chief Executive, Agriculture Victoria and Deputy Secretary, Water and Catchments. Most recently Emily was Deputy Secretary, Local Government, Telecommunications and Emergencies, and Deputy Secretary Customer and Regulatory services with the Department of Government Services.
Emily is an advocate for reform and ongoing improvement in Victoria’s emergency management arrangements.
She was named one of the Inaugural Top 50 Public Sector Women in 2018 by the Institute of Public Administration Australia (Victoria) and chaired the selection panel for the award from 2019 to 2022.
Emily holds a Doctor of Philosophy, a Bachelor of Arts, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration.
Dr Phillips was appointed on 16 April 2024 and commenced her 5-year term on 3 June 2024.