The Annual Forward Plan of Reviews - 2018 and Forward Projection of Reviews provides Victoria's emergency management sector with a high-level description of the Inspector-General for Emergency Management's (IGEM) planned and potential reviews.
Developed in consultation with the sector, IGEM's review program focuses on strategic, emergency management-related systemic issues of significance to all Victorians.
Annual Forward Plan of Reviews - 2018
In developing the forward plan, IGEM considered a series of potential topics for review identified through ongoing discussions with agencies and government departments concerning key issues or risks facing the sector. IGEM also considered strategic issues emerging from recent events and the outputs of complementary assurance activities conducted throughout the sector in Victoria.
IGEM conducted one planned review under its Annual Forward Plan of Reviews - 2018:
- Impact assessment and consequence management (published 26 August 2019)
Forward Projection of Reviews
The Forward Projection of Reviews provides the sector with a high-level, thematic overview of the potential areas IGEM may review from 2019, and includes broad information on topic and subject matter. It ensures previously identified areas for potential review are retained and that a progressive and system-wide approach to IGEM’s annual review program is achieved.
As listed in the Forward Projection, IGEM completed the 'Review of ten years of reform in the emergency management sector' - a broad review of emergency management reform - in December 2019.
All of IGEM’s assurance activities are guided by the Monitoring and Assurance Framework for Emergency Management which provides the foundation for a coordinated and collaborative approach to sector-wide assurance.
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