On 14 January 2020 the Victorian Government announced an independent Inquiry into the 2019-2020 Victorian fire season would be conducted by the Inspector-General for Emergency Management (IGEM).
About the fire season
During the 2019–20 fire season Victoria faced its most challenging bushfire emergency since the devastating 2009 bushfires, with a geographic scale not seen since 1939. The significant human and property losses, and a range of consequential impacts, are still being experienced.
Between November 2019 and February 2020, more than 1.5 million hectares of Victoria was seared by fire.
Five people died, some 313 primary residences and 145 non-primary residences were destroyed or damaged, commercial properties and other buildings were also destroyed along with community infrastructure, cultural heritage sites and environmental assets.
Many regional small businesses, including hundreds not directly affected by the fires themselves, were – and continue to be – impacted by the events of the season.
Tourism was among the most affected industries at the height of the holiday peak and in the long period afterwards. Agriculture, logistics and small businesses were also affected.
The huge environmental impact in terms of flora, fauna and waterways is still being assessed, interpreted and experienced.
About the Inquiry
The Inquiry was conducted in two phases and concluded on 30 July 2021.
Phase 1 considers preparedness for and response to fires in large parts of Victoria's North East, Gippsland, and Alpine regions. The Phase 1 report was provided to the Minister for Police and Emergency Services on 31 July 2020.
The Phase 1 report includes 66 observations, 36 findings and 17 recommendations in identifying good practice and opportunities for continuous improvement. It should be read in conjunction with the Review of 10 years of reform in Victoria’s emergency management sector as its recommendations are relevant to the findings of the Inquiry and are referenced throughout the Phase 1 report.
Many community members shared their views and experiences with the Inquiry by making a submission.
Phase 1 Report
The Fire Season Inquiry - Phase 1 Report (380 pages) is available from the link at the bottom of this page, or you can view as a flipbook (External link).
Alternatively, you can read the Fire Season Inquiry - Phase 1 Summary Report comprising the Inspector-General’s message, executive summary; and includes the observations, findings and recommendations in identifying good practice and opportunities for continuous improvement.
Inquiry Phase 2
Phase 2 considers the progress and effectiveness of Victoria’s immediate relief and recovery arrangements.
On 30 July 2021 Inspector-General Tony Pearce delivered his ‘Inquiry into the 2019-20 Victorian Fire Season - Phase 2’ report to government. Delivery of this second and final report concluded the Inspector-General’s independent Inquiry.
Government response
On 14 October 2020, the Victorian government responded to Inquiry - Phase 1 Report, accepting all 17 recommendations.
Read the government response from emv.vic.gov.au (External link)
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