This is the Inspector-General for Emergency Management’s (IGEM) sixth progress report on the State’s implementation of the Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan (External link) (SAP).

Implementation of SAP actions aim to support a sustainable and efficient emergency management system for Victorian communities.

This report summarises key activities and provides an assessment of implementation progress of nine of the eleven SAP Update #4 actions between 1 January to 31 December 2021, and key developments in early 2022.

IGEM found that all nine SAP actions assessed in the progress report remain ongoing:

  • four are progressing satisfactorily
  • one is progressing but has experienced implementation challenges
  • four are overdue - with one nearing completion and three in the early stages of development

Two SAP Update #4 actions are not covered in the report, as IGEM reported them complete in its 2019 progress report.

IGEM acknowledges that operational pressures faced by organisations across the sector due to recent emergency events, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on implementation activity. Although no actions were completed during 2021, important progress was made towards completing many of them by lead agencies and support partners.

IGEM will continue to monitor SAP implementation by sector organisations and report to the Minister for Emergency Services on implementation progress.

IGEM’s Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan Update #4 2019–22 – Progress Report 2021 was published 28 June 2023.

Access the report in PDF format in the link at the bottom of this page, or view in flipbook (External link)format.

Inspector-General for Emergency Management
Inspector-General for Emergency Management
Date of Publication

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