This is the Inspector-General for Emergency Management’s (IGEM’s) fifth report on planned burns that breach control lines, and incorporates a progress summary of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning's (DELWP) implementation of ongoing recommendations related to planned burning.
During this reporting period, DELWP and its delivery partners conducted 257 planned burns, reducing bushfire risk over 37,399 hectares of land and, for the first time since IGEM commenced its monitoring function in January 2016, DELWP did not report any breach of a planned burn control line during the reporting period.
This report provides a progress update on implementation of recommendations made in previous reports, assessing one as complete, and two as ongoing.
IGEM acknowledges the progress DELWP has made in its planning, risk assessment and delivery of the planned burning program on public land within Victoria.
Assurance of Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning breaches of planned burn control lines - 2019-20 was published on 8 February 2021.
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