1999 |
Report of the Longford Royal Commission (External link)
An explosion and subsequent fire at Esso's Longford plant left many Victorians without gas for 19 days. The Royal Commission into the incident concluded that employees were not properly trained, and supervisors and higher management did not have the necessary knowledge to deal with the dangers caused by a pump shutdown. It found that the ultimate cause of the accident was a failure to equip employees with appropriate knowledge to deal with the events that occurred. |
Independent |
2017 |
Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market - Blueprint for the Future (External link)
An independent review of the national electricity market to take stock of its current security and reliability and to provide advice to governments on a coordinated national reform blueprint. The Blueprint for the Future Security of the National Electricity Market delivers a plan to maintain security and reliability in the National Electricity Market in light of the significant transition underway, including due to rapid technological change. |
Independent |
2018 |
Post Event Review – Power Outages 28 & 29 January 2018 (External link)
A review that found power outages were not due to the combination of high heat and humidity increased power demand as Victorians attempted to cool their homes, nor due to insufficient supply, but rather a series of separate issues associated with localised network assets overloading from sustained high demand. |
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning |
2018 |
Independent Review of Victoria's Electricity and Gas Network Safety Framework: Final Report (External link)
An examination of the safety framework applicable to the electricity and gas networks in Victoria and the effectiveness in achieving desired safety outcomes. This includes the design and adequacy of the regulatory obligations, incentives and other arrangements governing network safety. |
Independent |
2020 |
Energy Safe Victoria Annual Report 2019–20 (External link)
Annual report for the State’s independent electrical and gas safety regulator, highlighting its emergency response contribution to the 2019-20 Victorian bushfire season.
Energy Safe Victoria |
2020 |
Australian Electricity Options: introduction (External link)
A series of research papers examining various alternatives for electricity generation, each considered with its own advantages and disadvantages. |
Parliament of Australia |
2020 |
2020 Integrated System Plan for the National Electricity Market (External link)
A whole-of-system plan that efficiently achieves eastern Australia’s power system needs, in the long-term interests of the consumers of electricity. It serves the regulatory purpose of identifying actionable and future ISP projects, as well as the broader purposes of informing market participants, investors, policy decision-makers and consumers. |
Australian Energy Market Operator |
2020 |
2019-20 NEM Summer Operations Review Report (External link)
A review of system operations in the National Electricity Market (NEM) over summer 2019-2020. The scope of this review is limited to operational outcomes and does not include market and financial outcomes. |
Australian Energy Market Operator |
2022 |
Inquiry into renewable energy in Victoria (External link)
An inquiry into the Victorian Government’s emission reduction and renewable energy targets, the Committee made 24 findings and 32
recommendations. The committee reported on governance and policy structures, and also found that the developing renewable energy sector creates a good source of employment and that there will be significant economic benefits in transitioning away from fossil fuels. |
Parliament of Victoria |
2022 |
Electricity Distribution Network Resilience Review Final Recommendations Report (External link)
A review in response to the June 2021 storms, it identified the immediate, medium and longer-term reform measures, policies and regulatory changes needed to ensure that distribution businesses can undertake work to mitigate the risk of, and better respond to, prolonged power outages. The review also considered ways to strengthen community resilience in the face of prolonged power outages. |
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning |