Publish date Title Summary Publication type
Annual Forward Plan of Reviews - 2018 & Forward Projection of Reviews IGEM's Annual Forward Plan of Reviews and Forward Projection of Reviews provides a high-level description planned and potential reviews. Corporate / strategic publication
Annual Forward Plan of Reviews - 2017 The Annual Forward Plan of Reviews has been developed in consultation with the emergency management sector and focuses on strategic, emergency management-related systemic issues of significance to all Victorians. Corporate / strategic publication
Annual Forward Plan of Reviews - 2016 The Annual Forward Plan of Reviews has been developed in consultation with the emergency management sector and focuses on strategic, emergency management-related systemic issues of significance to all Victorians. Corporate / strategic publication
Annual Forward Plan of Reviews - 2015 The Annual Forward Plan of Reviews was developed in consultation with the emergency management sector and focused on strategic, emergency management-related systemic issues of significance to all Victorians. Corporate / strategic publication
Annual Assurance Summary 2017-18 The Annual Assurance Summary provides a high-level picture of emergency management sector performance, risks and progress against Victoria's reform agenda through 2017-18. Monitoring report
Annual Assurance Summary 2016-17 The Annual Assurance Summary provides a high-level picture of emergency management sector performance, risks and progress against Victoria's reform agenda Monitoring report
Annual Assurance Summary 2015-16 The Annual Assurance Summary highlights Victorian emergency management incidents of note and significant assurance activities undertaken during 2015–16 to provide a high-level picture of sector performance, risks and progress against Victoria's emergency management reform agenda. Monitoring report
2021–2022 Snapshot | Year in review Selected highlights of IGEM's activities Corporate / strategic publication
2020–2021 Snapshot Highlights of our key activities from the past 18 months ranging from significant reviews and monitoring responsibilities, to the challenges presented with the ongoing pandemic Corporate / strategic publication
2019-20 Snapshot A selection of assurance activities highlighting IGEM's work over a 12 month period Corporate / strategic publication