Publish date Title Summary Publication type
Critical Infrastructure Resilience - 2018 Report This report details IGEM’s transition from monitoring implementation of the critical infrastructure resilience arrangements to assessing their efficiency and effectiveness. Monitoring report
Forward Projection of Reviews - 2020 A high-level, thematic overview of the potential areas IGEM may review from 2021 Corporate / strategic publication
Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry - Annual Report 2019 IGEM’s fourth annual report on implementation progress of recommendations and affirmations from the Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry reports Monitoring report
Strategic Plan 2020-24 An outline of IGEM's vision, purpose and work agenda Corporate / strategic publication
Victorian Emergency Management Strategic Action Plan Update #3 2018–21 - Progress Update 2019 IGEM's fourth progress report on the state’s implementation of SAP actions Monitoring report
2019-20 Snapshot A selection of assurance activities highlighting IGEM's work over a 12 month period Corporate / strategic publication
Report into the West Footscray Industrial Fire (August 2018) An examination of the broad consequences of an overall incident and improving collaborative response Evaluation, review and investigation report
Review of 10 years of reform in Victoria's emergency management sector A review of emergency management reforms and their effectiveness in supporting safer and more resilient Victorians Evaluation, review and investigation report
Inquiry into the 2019–20 Victorian Fire Season - Phase 1 report The report into community and sector preparedness for and response to the 2019–20 fire season Evaluation, review and investigation report
Inquiry into the 2019–20 Victorian Fire Season - Phase 1 Summary Report A summary of preparedness and response good practice and opportunities for continuous improvement Evaluation, review and investigation report