This is the Inspector-General's second progress report on the Victorian Government’s implementation of recommendations and actions in response to the Inquiry into the 2019–20 Victorian Fire Season: Phase 1 – Community and sector preparedness for and response to the 2019–20 fire season (Phase 1 report) and Review of 10 Years of reform in Victoria’s emergency management sector (10 Year Review)

The aftermath of the 2019–20 fire season continues to have a ripple effect on communities, infrastructure, and the environment. However, it has also led to vital reflections and opportunities for reforms on how emergencies are managed in Victoria.

Following the release of IGEM’s Phase 1 report and the 10 Year Review, the Victorian Government put forward detailed implementation plans outlining actions to address each of the 22 recommendations from both reports.

Implementation progress

This is the second progress report assuring the community and government of the implementation of these actions.

Of the 139 actions committed to by the government to address recommendations from the 10 Year Review and Phase 1 report, a further 34 actions have been assessed as complete or closed, leaving 47 actions in progress.

Overall, significant progress has been made by all government departments and agencies involved to bring about long-term impactful changes in response to the 10 Year Review and Phase 1 report.

Notable achievements include the establishment of the Office of Bushfire Risk Management (External link) and the implementation of the Australian Fire Danger Rating System (External link) and the Australian Warning System (External link) across Victoria.

Other initiatives such as installing back-up telecommunication sites and planning for future emergencies through emergency evacuation exercises are necessary advances in future-proofing our communities for emergencies and building community resilience.

IGEM continues to monitor the implementation progress of all actions from the 10 Year Review and Phase 1 report that remain in progress to provide assurance that sustainable improvements to Victoria’s emergency management arrangements are being made.

In its next report, IGEM will also outline implementation progress made in response to the Inquiry’s Phase 2 report, concerning improvements to the state’s relief and recovery arrangements.

You can access the report from the link below or view as a (External link)flipbook (External link).

Inspector-General for Emergency Management
Inspector-General for Emergency Management, Victorian Government
Date of Publication

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